God healed my son who had a hole in his heart and a bigger than normal artery!

The devil will continue to be defeated. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ I thank The Almighty God for what He has done for my family. My son was recently diagnosed with a hole in the heart and a bigger than normal artery. I and my wife were very worried .The cardiologist had concluded that the hole will not close. She was speaking as a human being. God who never fails spoke otherwise. Just last week during his six month check, the echo cardiogram read out affirmed what Brother Reggie and the prayer group had prayed for. The hole is not there, it has gone and never to be back. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Heb. 13:8). His miraculous works continue I am thankful to the Almighty God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost for healing my son and for His Grace and Mercy. Thank you Brother Reggie and thanks to you all in the prayer ministry for all the prayer and please keep up the good work. This is a great ministry. Brother V