I hope this helps someone

I was 47, when I was born again,the month was October, I was miserable and I asked God to please let me die,I was angry and asked him why he put us here to suffer and then face hell when we died,I screamed at him,if you’re real,do something.Thats when he spoke to me the first time,he said he had never done anything to me,so I asked, Lord who did then??He answered it was me. My heart broke into a million pieces and he took those pieces and began putting them back together.I had had an abortion and,he let me experience what that little spirit felt,it said don’t kill me,he then revealed to me,after I begged him to forgive me,my first demon,my eyes burnt like fire and in an instant I could see in the spirit.I didn’t understand at first,then he revealed to me that it was the demon of anger,he had delivered me, and showed me what lived inside of me, and what had hurt me,and other people in my life.JesusChrist is as real to me as the air I breathe,by God’s Grace and Mercy,I’m still here.,He took the hate and anger out of my heart and replaced it with his love,and by the POWER of the Holy Spirit I have the gift of discerning of spirit’s.Gods blessings to you all,I hope this helps someone.